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Embrace the healing power of therapeutic massage

Stevie Callaway


Cat, Cornville, Az

“You gave me one of the best massages I've ever had! Thank you for that... and I seriously have NO pain, first in a long time! Thank you for your gift to the world! You are a true healer!"

Bodywork: For Every Body!
Schedule online below or email me directly

Our Mission

Hi, I'm Stevie at Northern Arizona Balanced Bodyworks. My mission is to provide exceptional massage therapy and bodywork to promote overall health, well-being, and balance for every body. With a focus on deep tissue, therapeutic, and essential bodywork, I am dedicated to helping you achieve optimal health and a feeling of relaxation that is so rare, especially in this really hard and sometimes really painful world. Whether you are seeking tension relief, stress reduction, or injury management, I am here to support you on your journey to a more balanced body, good self-care, and a more peaceful mind. 

I am trained in bereavement and trauma-informed bodywork. I also specialize in helping athletes with deep tissue work.


Cancellation policy: Full refunds provided 48 hours prior to scheduled bodywork.


Did you know that

massage/bodywork is effective for: 


  • Reductions in anxiety (fear state) (Moyer, Rounds, & Hannam, 2004) and PTSD symptoms (Jain et al, 2004

  • Migraines (randomized controlled trial (RCT); Lawler & Cameron, 2006

  • Subacute low back pain (RCT; Preyde, 2000)

  • Osteoarthritis knee pain (RCT; Perlman et al, 2006)

  • Fibromyalgia (RCT meta analysis; Wang, Fen, Yang, & Sun, 2014)

  • Physical & psychological benefits in ICU (DB RCT; Hatefi et al, 2015)

  • Lowering cortisol (Field et al, 2004) and increasing oxytocin (Rapoport, Shettler, & Breeze, 2010)

  • Improved sleep (Ko & Lee, 2014; Unal & Balci, 2014)


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